Buy Cheap AIR Hybrid 3 CD KEYS from C$88.08 🎮
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The Next Generation in Synthesis. Hybrid 3.0 is the next generation in synthesis. This high-definition virtual synthesizer combines the coveted warmth of analog synths with a full range of futuristic digital manipulation capabilities. The result is the best of both worlds — a virtual instrument with a comprehensive set of precisely adjustable parameters that can sound like a synth you remember or something no one has ever heard before.
- Six-oscillator subtractive and wavetable virtual synthesizer with 1200+ inspiring presets.
- Includes 200+ all-new sounds and 1000+ refreshed patches from Hybrid 2.0.
- Comprised of two simultaneous parts, each loaded with 3 oscillators and a sub-oscillator, filters, LFOs, envelopes, and effects for creating complex patches.
- All-new Doubling controls for quickly thickening and widening patches.
- Revamped step sequencers allow you to link steps together for rhythmic variation, syncopation, and advanced modulation patterns.
- All-new Oscillator Restart for punchy bass sounds, runs, and sequences.
- Dual series or parallel filters with vintage Voltage Controlled Filter modes for retro synth sounds.
- Flexible modulation options with 8 LFOs including Pump for the pumping-and-breathing effect.
- Comprehensive editing parameters for the ultimate in sound tweakability.
- Sample-accurate synthesis for super-fast envelopes and high-definition sound.
- Performance-driven features, including modulation matrices and multiple step sequencers for maximum playability.
- Available in VST and AAX plugin formats for both 32- and 64-bit operating systems and in AU for 64-bit operating systems.
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